BMT InfoNet Resources

Autologous Stem Cell Transplants: A Handbook for Patients

Autologous Stem Cell Transplants: A Handbook for Patients

Comprehensive, easy-to-read book for patients considering a transplant using their own cells.

Bone Marrow and Blood Stem Cell Transplants: A Guide for Patients and Their Loved Ones

Bone Marrow and Blood Stem Cell Transplants: A Guide for Patients and Their Loved Ones

Comprehensive, easy-to-read book for patients considering a transplant using donor cells.

Graft-versus-Host Disease: What to Know, What to Do

Graft-versus-Host Disease: What to Know, What to Do

A free patient guide about graft-versus-host disease and how to manage it.

CAR T-Cell Therapy: What to Expect Before, During and After

CAR T-Cell Therapy: What to Expect Before, During and After

A free patient guide explaining what's involved in undergoing CAR T-cell therapy.

Child returning to hospital

Transplant Center Directory

Access information about transplant programs in North America.

man entering outpatient clinic

CAR T-cell therapy Directory

Access information about CAR T-cell centers in the U.S.

doc examining patient

GVHD Directory

Access information about experienced physicians and clinics that can help patients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

Mental Health Providers Directory

Mental Health Providers Directory

Find mental health providers with transplant, CAR T-cell therapy and/or GVHD experience.

Man and woman talking by phone

Caring Connections

Request one-on-one peer support from someone who has been through transplant or Car T-cell therapy for a similar disease, or is dealing with a similar complication.

Women walking with arm around patient

Volunteer to Provide Peer Support

Support patients and caregivers by sharing your knowledge and hope.

Zoom Meeting

Support Groups

BMT InfoNet hosts support groups throughout the year for people living with graft-versus-host diseases (GVHD)

Video Library

Video Library

Leading transplant experts share vital information to help you make informed healthcare decisions before and after transplant and CAR T-cell therapy.

Spanish Allo book

Publicaciones y Productos

Learn more about the different publications we offer in Spanish.


Our Mission

BMT InfoNet is a non-profit patient advocacy organization that provides high quality information and support services for bone marrow/stem cell transplant and CAR T-cell recipients and their loved ones. 

Since 1990, our network of medical experts and transplant and CAR T-cell survivors has helped over 200,000 patients navigate their transplant or CAR T-cell therapy.

Our goal is to empower you with credible information and support to enable you to take a more active role in decisions affecting your health and treatment options.

Whether you are just beginning your transplant or CAR T-cell journey, or learning to manage the joys and challenges of survivorship, BMT InfoNet is here to help.